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Top 10 Non-Tech Skills Teachers can learn from Coding

In a world where technology is becoming increasingly important, learning to code is a valuable skill for everyone – including teachers.

While some may see coding as a daunting task, it can be a great way to better understand how their students learn. By understanding the basics of coding, teachers can develop a greater insight into how educational software and websites are created. This knowledge can then be used to create more effective learning tools for their students.

Top 10 non-tech skills teachers can learn from Coding

Coding not only develops computational and technical skills, but it can help teachers in developing a set of non-technical skills too. Let us look at different non-technical skills that teachers can develop by learning to code.


Coding is a process of communication between a computer and a human. To code, teachers need to be able to convert their ideas into a language that the computer can understand. This process requires strong communication skills, including the ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms, give clear instructions, and troubleshoot errors.


Coding is a process of breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable pieces. To code, you have to be able to see the problem from multiple perspectives and understand how the different pieces fit together. This process of breaking down and understanding problems can be applied to any situation in life, and it helps build empathy in those who learn to code.

When you understand how to code, you can better understand how people interact with technology. You see how the smallest change can have a big impact on the overall system. This understanding can help you be more patient with others and empathize with their situation

Abstract Thinking

Coding is a valuable skill for teachers to learn, as it helps to develop abstract thinking skills. When coding, you have to think about how to break down a problem into a set of specific instructions. This process requires you to think logically and step-by-step, which can be transferred to other areas of teaching. For example, when planning a lesson, you have to think about the different elements that need to be included and the order in which they will be delivered. This can be similar to coding a program, where you have to think about the different steps that need to be executed to achieve the desired outcome.


Teachers who know how to code can be more creative in their teaching. They can use code to create interactive lessons and projects that engage students in new and innovative ways. In addition, they can use code to create tools that make their own lives as teachers easier and more efficient. Overall, learning to code boosts creativity in teachers, leading to better teaching and improved student outcomes.

Logical thinking

When teachers learn to code, they boost their logical thinking skills. This is because coding requires clear and logical thinking to be successful. When teachers can think logically, they are better able to solve problems and understand complex concepts. This, in turn, leads to better teaching and more engaged students.


Teachers who learn to code often find that it helps them develop problem-solving skills. This is because coding requires you to think logically and to break down problems into smaller, manageable pieces. When you encounter a problem while coding, you have to figure out how to solve it step by step. This process can help you develop problem-solving skills that you can apply in other areas of your life.

Learning to code has opened up many opportunities for Miss Koel. But most importantly, she has been able to develop her problem solving skills and even teach her students to use coding in honing their problem solving skills.

Independent Thinking

Learning to code results in developing and enhancing independent thinking in learners. Teachers need independent thinking skills to make valuable decisions in the classroom. Coding develops logical thinking which in turn leads to independent thinking in learners. With coding, teachers learn to think independently and can’t be influenced by other factors to make decisions.


Through coding, teachers also learn to collaborate with others to achieve a common goal. In coding, as in any other field, it is often necessary to work with others to achieve the best results. This requires the ability to communicate effectively and to compromise when necessary. Working with others towards a common goal can help you see things from their perspective and build trust which enhances collaboration skills in individuals.


Teachers who learn to code develop perseverance. They learn to persevere through the difficult task of coding, and they also learn to persevere through the challenges and setbacks that they may face in their careers. This perseverance is an important quality for teachers, as it helps them to keep going when things get tough and never give up on their students


With the ever-changing landscape of technology, educators need to keep their skills sharp. Learning to code can help teachers feel more confident in their abilities and better equipped to use technology in the classroom. In addition, coding can also be a fun and creative way to engage students in learning which eventually makes teachers feel confident about their teaching. 

Miss Ishwarya, a phonics teacher, took a jump in her career with a lot of confidence after learning to code. She now works for one of the famous EdTech platforms as a coding teacher. Learning to code has made her confident.

The benefits of learning to code for teachers are numerous and well-documented. Coding can help to improve teachers’ content knowledge and understanding of concepts, as well as their ability to think logically and solve problems. In addition, coding can also help to develop teachers’ creativity and collaboration skills. All of these skills are essential for teachers and can help them to be more effective in their classrooms.

Author: This article is written by Samiya Rashid for upEducators blog.

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