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Common Classroom Challenges According to Teachers and How to Deal with Them

A fresher teacher started with her first Maths class and expected the first day to go smoothly. But to her surprise, she found herself facing one new challenge after the other in a one-hour long classroom. She could not keep students engaged in the advanced topic that she took up for the first day. Moreover, different students had different problems due to their varying learning styles. The teacher got too overwhelmed on the first day and had to take a break to face the challenges that came with her new profession.

Common Classroom Challenges According to Teachers and How to Deal with Them

Challenges are a part of life. But if you are a teacher, then a normal day in your life is filled with multiple challenges one after the other. And to top that, you are constantly under the unforgiving eyes of hundreds of students and admin every day.

Every teacher faces some or the other kind of challenges every day. The challenges you face as a teacher depend on your teaching style. After a discussion with hundreds of teachers associated with and trained by upEducators, we have listed the most common challenges faced by teachers. We even found the best solutions implemented by teachers while dealing with these challenges. Let’s look at some of these common classroom challenges and the ways to deal with them.

Too much paperwork

Many teachers find that dealing with paperwork is a challenge. This is because they are often required to keep track of many different documents, including student records, lesson plans, and class materials. In addition, they may also need to maintain communication with parents and other teachers.

How to Deal with: Organization is key when it comes to dealing with paperwork. Teachers should create a system that works for them and that they can easily follow. This may involve using a specific filing system or setting aside specific times of the day to deal with paperwork. Additionally, it is important to stay on top of deadlines and to be as efficient as possible when completing tasks. The most effective way to organize your classroom is to use digital organizational tools for classroom management like Google Drive.

Dealing with Different learning styles

Different students have different learning styles. Some students learn best by listening to lectures, while others learn best by doing hands-on activities. Some students are visual learners and others are kinesthetic learners.

How to Deal

Teachers can deal with different learning styles of students by creating an integrative environment in the classroom. This means that the classroom is set up in a way that accommodates all different kinds of learners. For example, the teacher may use a chalkboard and write down key points during lectures, but also provide students with handouts and other visual aids. The teacher may also incorporate hands-on activities into the lesson plan. By doing this, all students will be able to learn in a way that is best for them.

Early Burnout due to Multitasking

Early burnout from multitasking is a challenge for teachers. It is not uncommon for teachers to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work that they have to do daily. In addition to preparing lessons and teaching classes, teachers also have to deal with administrative tasks, parent communication, and student discipline. All of these responsibilities can quickly lead to burnout, especially if teachers feel like they are not adequately supported.

How to Deal

There are a few things that teachers can do to try to prevent early burnout. First, it is important to have a good support system in place. This could include a trusted colleague or friend who can offer advice and help with planning. In addition, teachers should try to create a healthy work-life balance for themselves. This means making time for hobbies, exercise, and social activities outside of work. Finally, it is important to be realistic about what can be accomplished in a day rather than trying to do too much. By being mindful of these things, teachers can avoid early burnout.

Difficult to discipline students

There is no denying that keeping difficult students disciplined is a challenge for teachers. Whether it is a student who is constantly disruptive in class, or one who refuses to do their work, it can be a real test of a teacher’s patience and resolve. However, there are a few things that teachers can do to help keep difficult students in line.

How to Deal

First, it is important to set clear rules and expectations from the very beginning of the school year. This will help to prevent problems from arising later on. Secondly, if a problem does arise, it is important to deal with it immediately and decisively. This sends a message to the student that their behaviour is not acceptable, and it also sets a precedent for the rest of the class. Finally, it is important to be consistent with disciplinary action. If a student knows that there will always be consequences for their actions, they are more likely to think twice before acting out. Teachers should always make use of digital resources to deal with different challenges in the classroom. For example, to discipline students and keep a check on them, teachers can use the ClassDojo tool.

Working Unpaid hours

Working unpaid hours is a challenge for teachers. Many teachers work additional hours beyond their scheduled work day and do not receive any compensation for their time. This can be a strain on their personal and professional lives. In some cases, teachers may feel like they are being taken advantage of by their school or district. This can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration.

How to Deal

If you struggle to manage your unpaid work hours, it is important to reach out for help. You can talk to your supervisor or your school’s administration to see if they can provide any assistance. Additionally, many online resources can provide tips and advice for dealing with this issue.

No time left for lesson planning

As a teacher, one of the most challenging things can be finding the time to properly plan lessons. This is especially true if you are teaching multiple classes and/or have a busy personal life outside of school. When lesson planning, it is important to take the time to consider the needs of your students and to make sure that the content of the lesson is engaging and appropriate. If you do not have enough time to plan, it can lead to problems in the classroom and cause you to feel stressed and overwhelmed.

How to Deal

There are a few ways to try to overcome this challenge. One is to set aside specific times each week to plan lessons and to stick to that schedule as much as possible. Another is to make use of planning tools and resources, such as templates and online lesson planners. Finally, it can be helpful to talk to other teachers and to get advice and ideas from them. By taking some time to plan and being organized, you can make the process of lesson planning much easier and less stressful.

Creating Assessments and Grading

Creating assessments and grading them is a classroom challenge for teachers. It is important to create assessments that are valid and reliable, and that accurately reflect what students have learned. It is also important to grade assessments fairly and consistently. This can be a challenge, especially when there are a lot of students and a limited amount of time.

How to Deal

Teachers can use digital tools like Google Classroom to create and grade assessments quickly and efficiently. These tools can help teachers to save time and energy when it comes to assessment creation and grading. Additionally, digital tools can provide teachers with valuable feedback and insights into student learning. By using digital tools, teachers can overcome the challenge of creating and grading assessments effectively.

Changing Trends in education

The constantly changing trends in education are a challenge for teachers. They have to continually update their knowledge and skills to be able to teach effectively. This can be a difficult and time-consuming task, especially if they are also trying to keep up with the latest research in their field. In addition, the ever-changing nature of the education system can make it difficult for teachers to keep up with the latest developments and innovations.

How to Deal

As education evolves, teachers need to keep up with the latest trends to provide the best possible education for their students. Upskilling can help teachers to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that they’re using the most up-to-date methods and technologies in their classrooms. In addition, upskilling can also help teachers to develop new skills and knowledge that they can use to further their careers.

Difficulty in creating engaging lessons

One of the challenges that teachers face is creating engaging lessons. This can be difficult because it requires finding a balance between making the lesson interesting and ensuring that it is still educational. Additionally, it is important to consider the different learning styles of students and how to best capture their attention. Some students may be visual learners, while others may be more kinesthetic. Therefore, it is important for teachers to be aware of these different learning styles and to create lessons that cater to all students.

How to Deal

Teachers can use digital tools to create engaging lessons. These tools can help teachers to create lessons that are interactive and engaging for students. Digital tools like Google Earth can be used to teach Geography and Prodigy for Mathematics can also help teachers to create lessons that are tailored to the needs of each student. By using digital tools, teachers can overcome the challenge of creating engaging lessons for all students.

Challenges either make or break a person. Looking at a challenge as an opportunity rather than a threat can make a huge difference in the professional and personal life of a teacher. A teacher must always strive to turn a challenge into an opportunity. Teachers must use resources and tools that help in overcoming these challenges. Courses like Google Certified Educators and Microsoft Certified Educators by upEducators help teachers in learning to use tools and technologies that aid in overcoming these challenges. This way, teachers can overcome any challenge and make the teaching-learning process simpler for their students.

Author: This article is written by Samiya Rashid for upEducators blog.

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